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5–6 Dec 2024
Munich Marriott Hotel
Europe/Berlin timezone

Utilizing in-situ characterization techniques to probe the heat treatment response and micromechanical performance of LPBF processed and heat-treated Ti-6Al-4V

5 Dec 2024, 13:05
Invited talk (30 min + 5 min discussion) Material Science Material Science


Kim Vanmeensel (KU Leuven)


Ti-6Al-4V is the workhorse among all titanium alloys that are processed by solidification-based AM technologies. Its popularity resides from its interesting combination of quasi-static and dynamic mechanical properties, and its relatively low density, making it a candidate material for lightweight applications.
The structural performance of L-PBF processed Ti-6Al-4V parts, however, is heavily affected by the formation of a martensitic phase during rapid cooling, its partial decomposition during sequential heating and cooling cycles and a macroscopic internal stress distribution within L-PBF processed Ti-6Al-4V parts.
Martensite decomposition and stress relaxation behaviour in L-PBF processed Ti-6Al-4V is investigated using in-situ dilatomettry, allowing to inductively heat a sample while being irradiated by synchrotron X-rays, enabling to simultaneously measure the thermal expansion, phase fraction and internal stress evolution of an LPBF processed Ti-6Al-4V during heating and cooling.
The micromechanical behaviour of as-built and heat-treated two-phase Ti-6Al-4V samples is compared, both in the elastic and plastic regime, based on X-ray synchrotron diffraction spectra recorded during uniaxial tensile loading. The elastic stiffness and plasticity variations in the different hexagonal α and α’ phase directions is discussed and compared with numerically predicted critical resolved shear stress values.
The plastic deformation behaviour, strain localization and fracture onset of bilamellar Ti-6Al-4V, is discussed based on strain fields, obtained by 2D digital image correlation, recorded during uniaxial tensile loading inside a scanning electron microscope.
Generally, recommendations are given on how to heat treat LPBF processed Ti-6Al-4V alloys in order to enhance its quasi-static mechanical performance.

Primary author

Kim Vanmeensel (KU Leuven)


Prof. Johan Hoefnagels (TU Eindhoven) Prof. Marc Geers (TU Eindhoven) Prof. Marc Seefeldt (KU Leuven) Prof. Martin Diehl (KU Leuven) Prof. Matthias Bönisch (KU Leuven) Mr Nikhil Prabhu (Ku Leuven) Mr Pushkar Dhekne (KU Leuven) Dr Tijmen vermeij (EMPA)

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