POWTEX is a high-intensity time-of-flight diffractometer for POWder and TEXture analysis, which will serve the needs of the solid-state chemistry, geoscience, and materials science communities. The important part of the data processing workflow at POWTEX is data reduction, which implies a correction of the collected data by experimental artifacts that are caused by the instrument itself or its environment. In our work, we concentrate on the development of workflow for reduction of texture samples. In particular, we present a new open-source software called EasyTexture. The software performs a set of data reduction algorithms at POWTEX and prepares texture intensity resolved spectra for analysis within the MAUD package [1]. The user-friendly graphical interface of EasyTextrure is designed based on the EasyScience framework [2], which provides tools for creating intuitive and comprehensive interaction experience for its users.
[1] Lutterotti, Luca, et al., Z. Kristallogr. Suppl. 26 (2007), 125
[2] https://easyscience.software