Robert Nshimirimana
(Nuclear Energy Corporation of South Africa (NECSA))
Oxygen stabilized metallic zirconium (Zr(O)) reacts with N2 at temperatures between 700 and 1400°C. Post-test examinations at room temperature, however, show a mixed structure consisting of ZrO2 and ZrN. No information is available about which phases are formed during the reaction at these high temperatures. It is possible that both phases are produced directly or that a Zr(O,N)x mixing phase is produced which decomposes into ZrN and ZrO2 during cooling down to room temperature.
Wavelength dependent neutron radiography was used to perform in-situ investigations of the phase composition of the zirconium at different temperatures. The aim was to check the presence of Zr(N,O)x and at which temperature the two-phase mixture ZrO2 / ZrN and the phase change in the structure of ZrO2 from tetragonal to monoclinic occur . In this presentation we discuss the background noise observed in the radiographs due to a change in furnace temperature when performing wavelength dependent in-situ neutron radiography experiments.
Primary author
Robert Nshimirimana
(Nuclear Energy Corporation of South Africa (NECSA))
Anders Kaestner
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
Martin Steinbrueck
(Institute for Applied Materials, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Mirco Grosse
(Institute for Applied Materials, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)