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6–9 Apr 2014
Europe/Berlin timezone

Neutron transmission of monocrystalline solids: perfect crystals, mosaic crystals and texture components

8 Apr 2014, 11:30


Lichtenbergstraße 8, 85748 Garching


Dr Javier Santisteban (Centro Atomico Bariloche)


After passing through a single crystal, a polychromatic neutron beam presents a series of dips in intensity at specific wavelengths, due to neutrons removed from the beam as a result of Bragg reflection on the crystal planes. These reductions in intensity can be exploited as a contrast agent on wavelength-dependent neutron imaging of single crystal components, or objects having microstructures close to that of a single crystal. The position, width and depth of those dips depend on the material, the crystal orientation and the degree of perfection of the single crystal. Real monocrystalline solids of macroscopic size present always some degree of imperfection, with slightly misaligned regions ranging from seconds of arc for perfect crystals to tens of minutes for mosaic crystals. Here we will discuss details of the wavelength dependent transmission of monocrystalline objects, presenting some analytic expressions for the total cross section. Typical widths and depths of the signal for different materials are considered. Possible information to be extracted from such signal (crystal orientation, elastic strain, misorientation) is exemplified through experiments performed in Cu mosaic crystals [1]. Finally, we show recent theoretical advances towards describing the transmission of textured polycrystalline materials as a sum of contributions from many individual single crystallites. [1] J.R. Santisteban, (2005) Journal of Applied Crystallography. 38, 934–944.


The wavelength dependence of the neutron transmission of monocrystalline solids is discussed, for different degrees of crystal perfection. Analytical expressions for the total cross section are compared to time-of-flight transmission experiments performed on the ENGIN-X beamline, at Isis, UK.

Primary author

Dr Javier Santisteban (Centro Atomico Bariloche)


Ms Florencia Malamud (Centro Atomico Bariloche)

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