Applications I
- Michael Schulz
- Javier Santisteban (Centro Atomico Bariloche)
Steven Peetermans
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
07/04/2014, 14:30
When the grains in polycrystalline materials (crystallites) are large enough (compared to the spatial resolution), diffraction of neutrons out of the direct beam depends on whether or not a crystallite in the beam path is oriented as such fulfilling Bragg’s law. Spatial variation in transmission contrast appears across the sample between those grains that do and those that do not. Rotating the...
Robert Nshimirimana
(Nuclear Energy Corporation of South Africa (NECSA))
07/04/2014, 14:00
Oxygen stabilized metallic zirconium (Zr(O)) reacts with N2 at temperatures between 700 and 1400°C. Post-test examinations at room temperature, however, show a mixed structure consisting of ZrO2 and ZrN. No information is available about which phases are formed during the reaction at these high temperatures. It is possible that both phases are produced directly or that a Zr(O,N)x mixing phase...