Fabio Federico Taucer
(European Commission)
The Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission provides evidence-based scientific and technical support for policy making contributing with its research outcome to a healthy and safe environment, secure energy supplies, sustainable mobility and consumer health and safety. The JRC possesses a series of unique research infrastructures that have offered transnational access to researchers in Europe through the Research infrastructures part of the Framework Capacities Programme financed by Directorate-General Research and Innovation. The presentation will focus on the experience gathered by the JRC through these transnational access projects concerning the publicizing of calls for proposals, the production of test reports, publications in Journals, intellectual property and the use and dissemination of the generated experimental data. These activities fall within the plan of the JRC in setting a framework for opening up access to its research infrastructures through excellence- and market-based access modes.
Primary author
Fabio Federico Taucer
(European Commission)