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Jun 18 – 19, 2015
Garching (near Munich), Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone



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The workshop will be held at the headquarters of the European Southern Observatory in Garching, near Munich, Germany.

Garching can be easily reached either from the Munich's airport or train station. Further information on how to reach the venue can be found below.


European Southern Observatory
Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2
85748 Garching

How to reach Garching and ESO Headquarters

The town of Garching lies about 13 km north-east of Munich. ESO Headquarters are located roughly 2 km north-east of Garching. The ESO building is situated in the "Forschungszentrum" area.

Arriving by plane

The Munich FJS Airport is 17km north-east of Garching. The easiest way to get to Garching or ESO Headquarters from the Airport is by taxi. The fare is about EUR 40 and takes roughly 15 to 20 minutes.

Alternatively, if you wish to use Public Transport, you can take the train (S-Bahn S8) from the Airport to Ismaning (20 min.; EUR 6,20) and from there either a taxi (EUR 12-15) or Bus 230 (first bus at 06:11 and then every 20 or 40 minutes until 18:52 on weekdays). Please note that Bus 230 only goes to Garching-Forschungszentrum on working days (Monday - Friday), with a stop in Garching. There is an hourly taxi service from Ismaning to Garching on Saturdays and Sundays. For detailed information, please check the Bus 230 time table. Ticket: “Single Day Ticket outer district"

Or, take the S1 train from the airport to Neufarhn (5min) and there take Bus 690 to Garching Forschungszentrum (total journey time is about 40min, EUR 6,20). Ticket: “Single Day Ticket outer district"

To reach ESO from the Bus stop, please see this map.

Arriving by rail

The easiest way from the Main Railway Station is to take a taxi to Garching or ESO Headquarters (the fare is approximately EUR 40).

Alternatively, if you wish to use Public Transport (single fare: EUR 5.40), take the S-Bahn (underground railway) from the Main Railway Station to Marienplatz and then the U-Bahn U6 to Garching-Forschungszentrum. Exit the train in the station Garching for the town of Garching and Garching-Forschungszentrum if you want to get to ESO Headquarters.

Arriving by car

There is a system of motorways (Autobahn) and ring-roads in and around Munich. For details see the schematic map. Follow these to the Autobahn for Nürnberg (A9). To reach Garching there are two turnoffs (Ausfahrt): Garching-Süd (Garching-South) and Garching Nord (Garching North). Both exists lead you directly into the town of Garching.

If you wish to get to ESO Headquarters, you need to take the turnoff Garching-Nord (Garching-North), which leads you directly to the "Forschungsinstitute" area. Go straight ahead at the traffic lights and continue until the road makes a sharp turn to the left. Do not turn left: ESO is straight ahead.

Public transport

