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Jun 18 – 19, 2015
Garching (near Munich), Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone

Parallel sessions

Topical, parallel sessions with examples / experiences

We called for contributions from PR officers, scientists, journalists, bloggers etc. for the topics below. The titles of the talks are now listed below. For further details please refer to the Timetable tab or download here.

June 18th: 16:00 - 18:00
1: Public engagement with large scale facilities

Public engagement at large scale facilities has the obvious advantage in being able to capitalise on the impressive facilities themselves and a wide scientific community to call on. However, sometimes the breadth of science carried out there can be a challenge, and there is also the problem of engaging with those who are unable to visit. In this session we aim to provide a space to share experiences on strategies and methods used to actively engage the public with the science conducted at large scale facilities. 

  • What options are there when the budget for these activities is reduced?
  • How do we reach the hard to reach? Examples of citizen science projects - how are these supporting science and how efficient are they in engaging the public?
  • How does science take advantage of the participation?
  • Open doors with a difference...; Isabelle BOSCARO-CLARKE and Laura HOLLAND, Diamond Light Source
  • Using travelling exhibitions to reach national audiences; Terence O'CONNOR, Dan HILLIER, Mark WELLS, Sophy PALMER, Science & Technology Facilities Council
  • The Influence of Social Movements on Large Research Infrastructures; Hannah HARRIS, Wellesley College and Pedro RUSSO, Leiden University
  • Deficit, dialogue and beyond: How should research infrastructures relate to their publics?; Sarah DAVIES, University of Copenhagen
  • Engaging People for increased awareness - transforming Public Relations (PR) to Human Relations (HR); Lars MONTELIUS, INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory
  • Partnerships for engagement – maximising resources, maximising results; Laura HOLLAND and Isabelle BOSCARO-CLARKE, Diamond Light Source
2: Communication to target groups (chair: Claus Madsen, ESO)

Activities carried out in LSF may be of interest to varied groups. Those groups however belong to diverse sectors, with different expertise and levels of scientific knowledge. Material produced to promote LSF must therefore be tailored to the audience. A number of questions can be addressed in this session.

  • How to identify relevant target groups?
  • How to produce tailored material?
  • How to reach out to each of those groups?
  • How to interest the not interested; Dagmar BAROKE, Paul Scherrer Institut
  • Focus on users: PR for the Committees Research with Synchrotron Radiation, Neutrons and Nuclear Probes and Ion Beams (www.sni-portal.de); Karin GRIEWATSCH, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
  • Engaging Teachers with Large Research Facilities; Tania JOHNSTON, STFC
  • 10 principles for communicating science in the media; Jim Sutton, Proof Communication
3: Risk Communication - interactive session with exercises and role playing (moderator: Jens Kube, DESY)
Science involves risk. A neutron source creates radiation and radioactive waste, gene transformation could have unknown effects in the organisms. But of course a scientific facility can also be hit by a fire or other unforeseen and damaging events. Knowledge about risk communication and trainings are key to inform the public and prevent a communication crisis.
  • Managing crises: risk and crisis communication (overview talk)
  • Creating an effective risk communication strategy
  • Turning a Science Crisis into a Communication Opportunity; Stephanie HILLS, CERN; Eleonora COSSI, INFN; Jake GILMORE, STFC
  • A risky business to communicate...; Isabelle BOSCARO-CLARKE and Laura HOLLAND, Diamond Light Source; Toby MURCOTT, Journalist
June 19th: 09:30 - 10:45

4: PR of a facility under construction

Constructing a new large scale facility involves a lot of public money and time. It is therefore crucial that neighbours or tax payers understand the social / scientific benefit of this new facility, already during construction.

  • What kind of information to disseminate?
  • Why to promote a facility under construction?
  • How is it different from PR activities of an existing facility?
  • Success stories and failures,
  • When and how to address the different target groups?
  • SwissFEL – meeting the target groups´ needs; Martina GRÖSCHL, Paul Scherrer Institute
  • From dust to a new scientific dawn...; Isabelle BOSCARO-CLARKE, Diamond Light Source
  • In-kind Contributions as a Means to Ensure Socio-Economic Return of Large Scale Facilities: The Partner and Industry Campaign of ESS; Allen WEEKS and Ute GUNSENHEIMER, ESS - European Spallation Source
  • Growing interest, keeping momentum, managing expectations: PR challenges of communicating on one of the most fascinating science adventures of the 21st century… soon to be…; William GARNIER, SKA Organisation
5a: Best Practice (chair: Philip King, ISIS)
In this session speakers will report on the steps taken to conduct PR activities and channels used, be it at the level of a research infrastructure, European project, or as freelancers.  We will learn about best methodologies and practices for public relations and lessons learned both from successful experiences as well as mistakes.
  • Do’s and don’ts to reach out to different audiences.
  • What works best?
  • NMI3: communication beyond and within the European consortium of neutron and muon facilities; Inês CRESPO, MLZ/FRM II/NMI3
  • Engaging the Spanish public about synchrotron light capacities; Ana Belen MARTINEZ, ALBA SYNCHROTRON
  • Implementing the communication plan in the distributed Research Infrastructure CERIC-ERIC; Nicoletta CARBONI, CERIC-ERIC
  • Public communication structure enhances scientists’ public engagement. A comparative assessment; Claudia LOAIZA ESCUTIA, University of the Basque Country
  • When failure becomes a strong communication opportunity or how to build an authentic brand; Oana SANDU, ESO partner
June 19th: 11:15 - 12:30
5b: Best Practice (chair: Philip King, ISIS)
  • How STFC communicates the impact of its large-scale facilities; Claire DOUGAN, STFC
  • Opening Up access to JRC’s European Commission Ris: Experience from DG RTD’s Transnational Access funded programs; Fabio Federico TAUCER, European Commission, JRC
  • Challenges and Opportunities of ESO's Science Communication; Lars CHRISTENSEN, ESO
  • How Did the Higgs Boson Become a Rock Star?; Arnaud MARSOLLIER, CERN
6: Using social media for wide spread communication

Social media are widely used to communicate in private life and business. Universities twitter and have facebook accounts, scientists their own blogs.

  • Sense, nonsense and dangers of twitter, facebook, instagram, blogs & others.
  • Which target groups can be reached and which content can be disseminated using which social medium?
  • Success stories in communicating science via social media.
  • Juggling acts: how to maintain existing audiences and reach new ones using social media; Laura HOLLAND and Isabelle BOSCARO-CLARKE, Diamond Light Source
  • New channels, new formats, new content. Stories about the construction of a great new instrument; Ina HELMS and Antonia ROETGER, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin
  • The SKA: how to leverage social media for a global project with distributed infrastructure; Mathieu ISIDRO, SKA Organisation