Martina Gröschl
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI is constructing a new large-scale research facility – the X-ray laser SwissFEL. It is located in a forest nearby the PSI, which is a habitat for numerous animals and plants. In addition, the local community uses the forest as a recreational space.
This requires a sophisticated communication strategy which considers in first instance the needs of the locals.
In my talk I will focus on how we succeeded in establishing a good relationship with the local community.
As I will show, one of the key points was its involvement at a very early stage of the SwissFEL development, long before the construction of the facility started. A further issue was the communication to different target groups. For, on the one hand, we had to promote the SwissFEL “enthusiastically” to the general public, and, on the other hand, we had to take care of the immediate vicinity. I will present our way to cope with this challenge.
Primary author
Martina Gröschl
(Paul Scherrer Institute)