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In-situ light scattering at neutron beam lines - experiences made and challenges ahead

15 May 2019, 19:00
Institute of Advanced Study (TUM Campus Garching)

Institute of Advanced Study

TUM Campus Garching

Lichtenbergstraße 2a, 85748 Garching


Tobias Schrader


We routinely supply in-situ dynamic light scattering with one fixed scattering angle at the instrument KWS-2 at MLZ to users who would like to control their sample during the neutron measurement. Recently, we have successfully tested a three angle dynamic light scattering set-up at KWS-2. For the Jülich neutron spin echo spectrometer we are currently developing a prototype sample environment which includes two scattering angles and a transmission detector.

Primary authors

Livia Balacescu (RWTH Aachen) Mr Florian Vögl (Technische Universität München) Mr Raimund Heigl (TÜV Rheinland) Olaf Holderer Aurel Radulescu (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich Centre for Neutron Science at MLZ) Houston Houston (JCNS at MLZ) Mr Simon Staringer (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH) Georg Brandl Prof. Jörg Fitter (RWTH Aachen) Tobias Schrader

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