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Mar 2 – 4, 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

Registration as a User and registration of Samples

If you want to enter the reactor, participate in the tryout experiments, and bring your own samples, you need to register as a user in the FRM II system.  This registration is independent from and in addition to the registration for the workshop.


Please go to http://user.frm2.tum.de. Switch to English on the US/British flag if necessary.

Create a user account (module ‘your account’.)

Go to the module ‘Arrival-Departure’, and register your stay from March 2 to March 4 for all the proposal numbers 15838 (Antares), 15839 (Nectar) and 15840 (PGAA).


  • If you are NOT a radiation worker (not using Xrays, synchrotron or neutrons), we need a written statement from you that you are NOT a radiation worker and have no previous exposure.
  • If you ARE a radiation worker (using Xrays, synchrotron or neutrons), we need a statement from your radiation protection officer about your previous dose record.
  • If you ARE a radiation worker (using Xrays, synchrotron or neutrons) AND living and working in Germany, we need a statement from your radiation protection officer about your previous dose record, AND you must have a radiation protection officer with the qualification for neutrons, AND you must bring your own official neutron film dosimeter. Again, this applies ONLY to persons living and working in Germany, who are subject to German radiation protection laws. If in doubt, contact us.


If you wish to bring your own sample, please send us email with a short description first so we can discuss feasibility:

Burkhard.Schillinger(at)frm2.tum.de for ANTARES (cold or epithermal neutron imaging)

Adrian.Losko(at)frm2.tum.de for NECTAR (fast fission of thermal neutron imaging)

Christian.Stieghorst(at)frm2.tum.de and Zsolt.Revay(at)frm2.tum.de for PGAA


After discussion, please go to the module ‘Sample Tracker’ and register your sample for ANTARES, NECTAR or PGAA, maybe with the help of one of the above.

Direct links to the sample tracker:

Most parameters asked for are for  for neutron scattering samples and do not apply, but we need a rough chemical composition, size and weight, and an activation estimate as calculated on that page.

Registration of samples must be done two weeks before the workshop.