GeoArchaeology try-out workshop II
Using neutrons in Archaeology, Geology and Cultural Heritage Studies:
Neutron Imaging, Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis and Gamma Scan
The newly founded Lund Institute for advanced Neutron and X-Ray Science (LINXS) is planning a series of “tryout workshops”. The main idea is to give the opportunity to scientists in geology, archaeology and cultural heritage studies to bring their own samples and test different methods, types of radiation and instruments, before a full beam time proposal is written. Also, this would give scholars from different fields a possibility to meet, discuss and learn more about techniques soon available in Lund.
The first one is organized Feb 13-14 in collaboration with the synchrotron ‘Elettra’ in Trieste:
The second one is organized in March 2-4 in collaboration with Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ) of Technische Universität München and its research reactor FRM II, with the imaging instruments ANTARES for cold neutrons and NECTAR for thermal and fast fission neutrons, the instrument PGAA for prompt gamma activation analysis, and the support of radiation protection for short-irradiation gamma scans for rough composition determination.
When: 2-4 March
Where: Technische Universität München (TUM), Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum In Garching just north of Munich, Lichtenbergstraße 1, 85748 Garching
What: The Workshop is starting at 13:00 on Monday, March 2, with registration from 11:00-13:00, and is closing on Wednesday, March 4 in the afternoon.
Lectures on neutron imaging and analysis methods, comparison to X-ray and synchrotron radiation
- Visit to the reactor
- Neutron radiography with cold neutrons (instrument ANTARES) , with thermal and with high-energy fission neutrons (instrument NECTAR)
- Prompt Gamma activation analysis for trace elements (instrument PGAA)
- Gamma scans of samples after short-time irradiation for major elemental composition (radiation protection lab)
- Joint dinner
Wednesday: Evaluation and discussion of experiment results and future strategies.
Further information about the neutron methods is given here:
For registration, you will need to create an Indico account and register on the Indico web site of FRM II. Registration will open in the week of Jan 13, and the link will be provided.
You will also need to register as a user, and to register your tryout samples three weeks before the event. Instructions will be provided on the registration page.
Do not hesitate to contact Björn Nilsson ( for more information or if you have questions regarding samples or practical scientific questions.