2:30 PM
The Materials Science group at Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ)
Ralph Gilles
2:50 PM
Progress of the MEPHISTO beamline
Jens Klenke
3:10 PM
Neutron diffraction study of the in-situ tension deformation behaviour of SiCp/Mg-Zn composite
Weimin Gan
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht)
3:30 PM
In-situ sputter deposition of Al electrodes on active layers of non-fullerene organic solar cells
Xinyu Xinyu Jiang
3:50 PM
Identification of Vacancy Defects in Lead Halide Perovskites
David Keeble
(University of Dundee)
4:10 PM
Surface distortion of Fe dot-decorated TiO2 nanotubular templates using time-of-flight grazing incidence small angle scattering
Amitesh Paul
4:30 PM
Localized strain induced abnormal growth of cube oriented grain in a graphene nanosheets (GNS) reinforced copper matrix composite
Hailong Shi
4:50 PM
Co-Nonsolvency Transition of PNIPMAM-based Block Copolymer Thin Films in Water/Acetone Mixtures
Peixi Wang
(Workgroup Polymer Interfaces, TUM Department of Physics, Technical University of Munich)
5:10 PM
Phase Transformation in AlTiNbVW High Entropy alloy
Xiaohu Li
(FRM2, Physik, TU München)
5:30 PM
Highly ordered titania films with incorporated germanium nanocrystals annealed in different atmospheres for photoanodes
Nian Li
5:35 PM
Temperature-dependent Phase Behavior of the Thermoresponsive Polymer Poly(N-isopropylmethacrylamide) in Aqueous Solution
Chia-Hsin Ko
(E13, Physik-Department, Technische Universität München.)
5:35 PM
In Operando Neutron Reflectometry Study of SEI Formation on Lithium Metal Anodes Modified with PS-b-PEO Thin Films
Suzhe Liang
(E13, Physik-Department, TUM)
5:40 PM
The Myelin Basic Protein and its Phase Behaviour
Igor Graf von Westarp
5:40 PM
The strengths of small-angle neutron scattering for magnetic nanoparticle characterization
Mathias Bersweiler
(University of Luxembourg)
5:40 PM
TOFTOF – cold neutron time-of-flight spectrometer
Marcell Wolf
5:40 PM
Incommensurate magnetic systems studied with the three-axis spectrometer MIRA
Robert Georgii
5:40 PM
Covid-19 related research opportunities at the MLZ
Marialucia Longo
(Jülich Centre for Neutron Science JCNS)
5:40 PM
Utilizing very low flux nuclear reactors for neutron imaging
Rico Hübscher
(TU Dresden)
5:40 PM
High-resolution spectroscopy and diffraction at TRISP
Keller Thomas
(MPI outstation at the FRM II)
5:40 PM
Multimodal Imaging from meV to MeV Neutrons combined with Gamma Imaging at the NECTAR Instrument
Adrian Losko
(Technische Universität München, Forschungs-Neutronenquelle MLZ (FRMII))
5:40 PM
Effect of the protein size on the diffusion of proteins in a cell-like environment - first results from BATS
Christian Beck
(Institut Laue Langevin)
5:40 PM
Phase analysis of steel using neutron grating interferometry and bragg edge imaging
Tobias Neuwirth
5:40 PM
Boron-lined tubes and readout electronics for low count-rate environments
Markus Köhli
(University of Heidelberg)
5:40 PM
Out-of-equilibrium processes during phase transitions: An in-situ crystallization study of hybrid perovskites
Shambhavi Pratap
(Technische Universität München)
5:40 PM
Structure and dynamics of polyelectrolytes in water solution
Ekaterina Buvalaia
5:40 PM
Engineering of the thermal moderator for a Compact Accelerator driven Neutron Source (CANS)
Ulrich Rücker
(JCNS, Forschungszentrum Jülich)
5:40 PM
Fabrication on Plasmonic Nanostructures in Photoelectronic Devices
Tianfu Guan
5:40 PM
NREX - neutron reflectometer with X-ray option
Yury Khaydukov
(Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research)
5:40 PM
The high resolution neutron backscattering spectrometer SPHERES
Michaela Zamponi
(Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich Centre for Neutron Science at Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum)
5:40 PM
Development of a Sample Environment for in-situ Dynamic Light Scattering in Combination with Small Angle Neutron Scattering for the Investigation of Soft Matter at the European Spallation Source
Lars Wiehemeier
5:40 PM
Magnetic dynamics in the single-domain state of the cubic helimagnet ZnCr2Se4
Dmytro Inosov
(TU Dresden)
5:40 PM
Bambus: introducing a new inelastic neutron multianalyser for Panda at MLZ
Alistair Cameron
(TU Dresden)
5:40 PM
Monte Carlo simulation and optimization for the micro-channel target of the HBS project
Qi Ding
5:40 PM
Field Dependence of Magnetic Disorder in Nanoparticles
Dominika Zakutna
(Institut Laue-Langevin)
5:40 PM
Structure of Composite Materials of pNIPAM Brushes and Magnetic Nanoparticles
Philipp Ritzert
(Technische Universität Darmstadt, Institut für Festkörperphysik)
5:40 PM
PANDA - the cold neutron TAS at MLZ
Astrid Schneidewind
5:40 PM
A study of Linear and Nonlinear Aging in Lithium-Ion Cells by Neutron Diffraction
Neelima Paul
(Technical University of Munich, Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ))
5:40 PM
Non-destructive quantification of lithium and electrolyte losses in Li-ion batteries using neutron powder diffraction
Dominik Petz
5:40 PM
Tracking the formation of MAPbI3 by in situ GIWAXS
Manuel Scheel
(TUM E13)
5:40 PM
Chemical analysis with neutrons at MLZ
Zsolt Révay
5:40 PM
Influence of the scanning strategy on the residual stress state in IN 718 additive manufactured parts
Itziar Serrano-Munoz
5:40 PM
The effect of CsBr doping on the crystallization kinetics of perovskite films
yuqin zou
5:40 PM
Separation of the Formation Mechanisms of Residual Stresses in LPBF 316L
Alexander Ulbricht
5:40 PM
Micromechanics near the yield point of Nickel based superalloys
Jonas von Kobylinski
( Lehrstuhl für Werkstoffkunde und Werkstoffmechanik TUM)
5:40 PM
In situ neutron dilatometry investigation of βo→β phase transformation in TiAl alloys
Victoria Kononikhina
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht)
5:40 PM
Following the interface formation during sputter deposition on perovskite films
Lennart Reb
(TUM E13)
5:40 PM
High-resolution powder diffractometer SPODI
Markus Hoelzel
5:40 PM
Angular Distribution of Neutrons Around Thick Beryllium Target of Accelerator-Based 9Be(d, n) Neutron Source
Abdullah Shehada
(National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University)
5:40 PM
The cold neutron imaging beam line ANTARES
Michael Schulz
5:40 PM
Current Status of PERC
Manuel Lebert
(Physik-Department ENE, TUM)
5:40 PM
Hybrid high performance computing to covert the molecular Dynamics simulation to neutron and x-ray data
Arnab Majumdar
(Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht)
5:40 PM
Sample Environment at MLZ
Alexander Weber
(Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
5:40 PM
3D-printed humidity chamber for neutron scattering on thin films
Tobias Widmann
(TU München, Physik Department, LS Funktionelle Materialien)
5:40 PM
URANOS - a voxel engine Neutron Transport Monte Carlo Simulation
Markus Köhli
(Heidelberg University)
5:40 PM
POWTEX – Angular- and Wavelength Dispersive, High-Intensity Neutron TOF Diffractometer
Yannick Meinerzhagen
5:40 PM
Injection of positrons into an electron space charge in a dipole field
Markus Singer
5:40 PM
PMMA-b-PNIPAM thin films display cononsolvency driven response in mixed water-methanol atmospheres
Christina Geiger
(Technical University of Munich, Chair of Functional Materials)
5:40 PM
Studying the dynamics of PTB7:PCBM blend films with quasielastic neutron scattering
Dominik Schwaiger
(TUM Physik E13)
5:40 PM
Structural Properties of Micelles formed by Telechelic Pentablock Quaterpolymers with pH-responsive Midblocks and Thermoresponsive End Blocks in Aqueous Solution
Florian A. Jung
(Technische Universität München)
5:40 PM
The relevance of protein dynamics for protein folding: The case of apomyoglobin
Andreas Stadler
(FZ Jülich)
5:40 PM
Influence of benzocaine, propranolol and cholesterol on phospholipid bilayers
Gaetano Mangiapia
(German Engineering Materials Science Centre (GEMS) am Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ))
5:40 PM
Spray deposited anisotropic magnetic hybrid thin films containing PS-b-PMMA and strontium hexaferrite magnetic nanoplates
Wei Cao
(TU München, Physik-Department)
5:40 PM
Morphology control of PS-b-P4VP templated monolayer mesoporous Fe2O3 thin films
Shanshan yin
5:40 PM
Conductivity stability of EMIM-DCA post-treated semi-conducting PEDOT:PSS polymer thin films under elevated temperatures
Anna-Lena Oechsle
(TU München, Physik-Department, LS Funktionelle Materialien)
5:40 PM
Cononsolvency-Induced Collapse Transitions in Thin PMMA-b-PNIPAM and PMMA-b-PNIPMAM Films
Julija Reitenbach
(Technical University of Munich, Chair of Functional Materials)
5:40 PM
Wearable smart skin based on triboelectric nanogenerator and CdSe/CdS quantum rods for pressure and tensile sensing
5:40 PM
DMPC-glycyrrhizin model membranes in the absence and presence of cholesterol: From small unilamellar vesicles to flat disc structures
Friederike Gräbitz-Bräuer
(Universität Bielefeld, PCIII)
5:40 PM
Commissioning of the ‘Energy research with Neutrons’ option at MLZ.
Michael Heere
5:40 PM
Nano-Structure Development of Oral Pharmaceutical Formulations in Simulated Intestine – D-contrast SANS and DLS
Thomas Nawroth
(Gutenberg-University, Pharmaceutical Technology, Staudingerweg 5)
5:40 PM
Development of an indirect spectrometer Mushroom
Ran Tang
(Technical Univertsity Munich)
5:40 PM
KOMPASS – the polarized cold neutron triple-axis spectrometer at the FRM II
Dmitry Gorkov
(Universität zu Köln, Technische Universität München, FRMII)
5:40 PM
Calibration of p-XRF on ancient pottery using NAA results
Michaela Schauer
(LMU München)
5:40 PM
In-situ neutron diffraction studies on micro- and macrostrains in Ni-base superalloys
Frank Kuemmel
5:40 PM
Validating Molecular Dynamics Computer Simulations with Neutron Scattering Data
Veronika Reich
5:40 PM
Nondestructive determination of Li concentration and distribution in prismatic Li-ion battery
Volodymyr Baran
5:40 PM
The new Total Reflection High-Energy Positron Diffractometer at NEPOMUC
Matthias Dodenhöft
(Technische Universität München (TUM) Physik Department E21 und Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ) Lichtenbergstr. 1 85748 Garching, Germany)
5:40 PM
In-situ high temperature precipitation study in new alloy VDM 780 using SANS
Cecilia Solis
5:40 PM
The zero step for degrading perovskite solar cells: What atmosphere should we choose?
Renjun Guo
(Physics E13, Technical University in Munich)
5:40 PM
Feasible tuning of microstacking structure and oxidation level in PEDOT: PSS thin films via sequential post-treatment
Suo Tu
(Institute of Functional Materials)
5:40 PM
Printed block copolymer templated ZnO photoanodes for photovoltaic applications
Ting Tian
5:40 PM
Precursor engineering of two-step slot-die coated perovskite layers by TBP, MAI and DMSO addition
Oleg Shindelov
5:40 PM
Micromechanical response of multi-phase Al-alloy matrix composites under uniaxial compression
Sergei Evsevleev
5:40 PM
Morphology investigation of printed active layers of hybrid solar cells with grazing incidence neutron and x-ray scattering techniques
Volker Körstgens
(TU München)
5:40 PM
Neutron imaging for the investigation of the lyophilisation of amorphous bulk solids
Petra Foerst
5:40 PM
LLZO: Al, Ta, Nb, W – different dopants and their effect on microstructure and lithium diffusion
Charlotte Fritsch
5:40 PM
Structured graphite anodes for Li-ion batteries
Ivana Pivarníková
(Technical University of Munich, Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ))
5:40 PM
Rotational and long range diffusion in a lithium amide–lithium borohydride mixture
Neslihan Aslan
5:40 PM
Enhancing the High-Temperature Strength of a Co-Base Superalloy by Optimizing the y/y' Microstructure
Daniel Hausmann
5:40 PM
Magnetic scattering of polarized neutrons on structures of reduced graphene oxide embedded in the polystyrene matrix
Alexander Bugrov
(Institute of Macromolecular Compounds, Russian Academy of Science)
5:40 PM
Liquid dynamics of phase-change materials
Shuai Wei
(Aarhus University)
5:40 PM
A new high resolution detector system at ANTARES
Yiyong Han
(Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum)
5:40 PM
A tensile rig for neutron imaging
Simon Sebold
5:40 PM
Neutron Depth Profiling at the PGAA facility of MLZ
Robert Neagu
5:40 PM
Quantum cascade laser-based infrared spectrometer combined with small angle neutron scattering for life science applications
Tobias Schrader
5:40 PM
CHARM – A fast, high resolution curved 3He-based Multiwire- Proportional Chamber for the powder diffractometers DMC and ERWiN
Karl Zeitelhack
5:40 PM
Nested Optic for Neutron Focusing
Christoph Herb
5:40 PM
Event-Mode Imaging for Improved Spatial Resolution in Fast Neutron Imaging
5:40 PM
Neutron guides and Ni/Ti multilayer supermirror coatings by the FRM II Neutron Optics group
Jose Manuel Gomez Guzman
(Technische Universität München Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ))
5:40 PM
DNS - diffuse neutron scattering spectrometer at MLZ
Thomas Mueller
5:40 PM
Technical design of a levitated dipole for confinement of a low-temperature, long-lived, electron-positron plasma
Alexander Card
(Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik)
5:40 PM
A buffer-gas trap for the NEPOMUC high-intensity low-energy positron beam
Adam Deller
5:40 PM
Water dynamics in a concentrated aqueous solution of perdeuterated poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) across the cloud point
Bahar Yazdanshenas
(Technische Universität München, Physik-Department, Fachgebiet Physik weicher Materie, Garching, Germany)
5:40 PM
Phase transition kinetics in a doubly thermo-responsive poly(sulfobetaine)-based block copolymer thin film
Lucas Kreuzer
(TU München, Physik Department, E13)
5:40 PM
Dehydration of thermoresponsive molecular brushes with block or random copolymer side chains
Jia-Jhen Kang
(Physik-Department, Technische Universität München)
5:40 PM
KWS-2 the high Intensity / wide Q-range SANS diffractometer
Christian Lang
(Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
5:40 PM
Stimuli-Responsive Micelles from Amphiphilic Diblock Copolymers
Yanan Li
(Technische Universität München, Physik-Department, Fachgebiet Physik weicher Materie)
5:40 PM
A GISANS study of bio-hybrid films: Influence of pH on spray-coated ß-lactoglobulin:TiO2 film morphology for bio-templated titania nanostructures
Julian Eliah Heger
5:40 PM
Translocation of non-ionic synthetic polymers through lipid membranes
Ekaterina Kostyurina
5:40 PM
Marc Gensch
5:40 PM
Curvature effects on the stability of lipid bicontinuous cubic phase films interacting with gold nanoparticles
Andrea Ridolfi
(National Research Council, Institute of Nanostructured Materials (CNR-ISMN); University of Florence)
5:40 PM
KWS-3 very small-angle neutron scattering focusing diffactometer at MLZ
Vitaliy Pipich
5:40 PM
Establishing deuteration services for MLZ users at the JCNS
Lisa Fruhner
(JCNS-1, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
5:40 PM
Multiple Length Scales Hydration in Polymer Membranes for Fuel Cells
Aurel Radulescu
(Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich Centre for Neutron Science at Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum)
5:40 PM
Phonon renormalization in LaCoO$_3$
Frank Weber
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
5:40 PM
Thin film growth by Molecular Beam Epitaxy for MLZ users
Sabine Pütter
(Jülich Centre for Neutron Science JCNS, Outstation at MLZ, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
5:40 PM
Estimation of lithiated cathode loss for cycled 18650-type battery by in situ neutron powder diffraction
Jiangong Zhu
5:40 PM
Distortions and Superstructure in Inverse Perovskite Nitrides
Lukas Link
(Universität Stuttgart)
5:40 PM
Low-Energy Positron Beam for Near-Surface Doppler-Broadening Spectroscopy
Lucian Mathes
5:40 PM
Morphology of fullerene-free bulk heterojunction blends for photovoltaic applications
Sebastian Grott
(TU München, Physik-Department, Lehrstuhl für Funktionelle Materialien)
5:40 PM
Complementarity of PNR and XMCD for monolayer-magnetism in hetero-epitaxial Fe on Cu(001)
Amitesh Paul
5:40 PM
PUMA: thermal three-axes spectrometer equipped with multi-analyzer and unique polarization option
Jitae Park
5:40 PM
In Situ Printing: Insights into the Morphology Formation and Optical Property Evolution of Slot-Die-Coated Active Layers Containing Low Bandgap Polymer Donor and Nonfullerene Small Molecule Acceptor
Kerstin Wienhold
5:40 PM
KWS-1 SANS instrument with polarization analysis
Artem Feoktystov
(Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, JCNS at MLZ)
5:40 PM
REFSANS: The horizontal time-of-flight reflectometer with GISANS option at the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum
Gaetano Mangiapia
(German Engineering Materials Science Centre (GEMS) am Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ))
5:40 PM
Germanium-based nanostructure synthesis guided by amphiphilic diblock copolymer templating
Christian L. Weindl
(TUM Physik)
5:40 PM
CSPEC- a cold time of flight spectrometer for the ESS
Wiebke Lohstroh
(Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), Technische Universität München)
5:40 PM
Oscillatory dynamics in simple systems at elevated temperatures -- beyond a perturbational treatment of anharmonicity
Michael Leitner
5:40 PM
Thermal effects on nanoscale morphologies and chemical group vibrations of thermoresponsive double hydrophilic block copolymers in aqueous solutions
Apostolos Vagias
(FRM2 / TUM)
5:40 PM
Macromolecular Neutron Diffraction at the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum MLZ
Andreas Ostermann
5:40 PM
The Coincidence Doppler-Broadening Spectrometer at NEPOMUC
Vassily Vadimovitch Burwitz
5:40 PM
The resonant neutron spin echo spectrometer RESEDA
Johanna K. Jochum
5:40 PM
Magnons in the collinear antiferromagnetic phase of Mn5Si3
Nikolaos Biniskos
(Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich Centre for Neutron Science at MLZ, Lichtenbergstrasse 1, 85748 Garching, Germany)
5:40 PM
Probing the complex loading-dependent structural changes in ultrahigh drug-loaded polymer micelles by small-angle neutron scattering
Benedikt Sochor
(University Würzburg)
5:40 PM
Evolution of the structure and dynamics of bovine serum albumin induced by thermal denaturation
Olga Matsarskaia
(Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France)
5:40 PM
Conformational and Characteristic Modulation of Prothymosin Alpha following the Addition of Guanidinium Chloride investigated with X-ray / Neutron Scattering Techniques
Luman Haris
(Forschungszentrum Jülich)
5:40 PM
Cryo-TEM – A Complementary Technique for Neutron Scattering
Marie-Sousai APPAVOU
(Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) at Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
5:40 PM
The Robot Positioning System at the Materials Science Diffractometer STRESS-SPEC
Martin Landesberger
5:40 PM
New analysis frameworks for the analysis of inelastic measurements from neutron backscattering spectrometers
Christian Beck
(Institut Laue Langevin)
5:40 PM
Short-Time Self-Diffusion of Salt- and Temperature-Dependent Protein Clusters
Tilo Seydel
(Institut Max von Laue - Paul Langevin)
5:40 PM
The Absolute Direction of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction in Hematite Determined by Polarized Neutron Diffraction
Henrik Thoma
(Jülich Centre for Neutron Science JCNS at MLZ)
5:40 PM
In situ light scattering techniques at neutron instruments at the MLZ - experiences made and challenges ahead
Tobias E. Schrader
(Juelich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS))
5:40 PM
Comparison of guide systems for instruments at the high brilliance source (HBS)
Zhanwen Ma
(Jülich Centre for Neutron Science JCNS Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
5:40 PM
The small-angle scattering instrument SANS-1 at MLZ
Sebastian Muehlbauer
5:40 PM
FLUKA and MCNP simulation benchmark for neutron yield measurement in HBS project
Jiatong Li
(Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China)
5:40 PM
The SoNDe high-flux neutron detector
Sebastian Jaksch
5:40 PM
Microstructural characterization of European historical swords through neutron imaging
Francesco Grazzi
5:40 PM
Influence of salt (NaCl) on structure and dynamics of phospholipid membranes
Sebastian Jaksch
5:40 PM
In-situ RheoSAXS: Relating Nanostructure to Macroscopic Properties Using A Laboratory Setup
Jiri Kislinger
(Anton Paar GmbH)
5:40 PM
Towards Polarization Analysis for TOPAS
Christian Franz
5:40 PM
MARIA – The high-intensity polarized neutron reflectometer of JCNS
Alexandros Koutsioumpas
5:40 PM
Manufacturing a safer world: Residual Stress in AM determined by diffraction techniques
Alexander Evans
5:40 PM
The Fierz interference term and recent PERKEO III measurements
Max Lamparth
5:40 PM
Impact of ethylenediaminetetraacetate ligands on CdS nanoparticle formation mechanism
Mirco Eckardt
(University of Bayreuth)
5:40 PM
Neutron yield measurements for Be, V and Ta targets from 22-42 MeV proton beams
Marius Rimmler
5:40 PM
Replacing MultiView and LabView with NICOS
Petr Čermák
(MGML, Charles University)
5:40 PM
An insight into the local structure and dynamics of A2Zr2O7
Kristina Vlášková
5:40 PM
Pharmaceutical Drug Carriers organized in Nano-Domains – Study and Design upon Neutron Scattering with contrast variation, SAXS and DLS
Thomas Nawroth
(Gutenberg-University, Pharmaceutical Technology, Staudingerweg 5)
5:40 PM
MIEZETOP for the cold triple axis spectrometer (TAS) MIRA
Henrik Gabold
5:40 PM
Hot Neutron Diffraction Experiments under Extreme Conditions on Single Crystals with HEiDi
Martin Meven
(RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Crystallography - Outstation at MLZ)