Michaela Zamponi
(JCNS at MLZ, Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH)
02/09/2016, 17:05
Invited talks
The neutron backscattering spectrometer SPHERES (SPectrometer for High Energy RESolution) at MLZ is in user operation since 2007. It enables investigations on a broad range of scientific topics. An overview will be given of science done at SPHERES- from the ‘classical’ applications of backscattering like hyperfine splitting to investigations on new materials like high temperature polymer...
Eugene Mamontov
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
02/09/2016, 17:35
Invited talks
Besides the high count rate, the strongest advantage of BASIS is a combination of the high energy resolution and broad range of energy transfers. The former is sufficient for resolving the slower translational dynamics. The latter allows probing the faster localized dynamics. Simultaneous measurement of multiple components provides a powerful tool for studying the spatial characteristics of...
Judith Peters
(Université Grenoble Alpes)
02/09/2016, 16:35
Invited talks
The idea to use neutron diffusion in backscattering mode is motivated by the very high instrumental resolution in this special configuration. On the thermal neutron backscattering spectrometer IN13 at the Institut Laue Langevin (ILL), one of the oldest spectrometers operated by a French–Italian Collaborative Research Group (CRG), the energy variation is obtained by adjusting the d-spacing of a...
Tilo Seydel
(Institut Max von Laue - Paul Langevin)
02/09/2016, 17:20
Invited talks
The very substantially increased neutron flux of IN16B [1,2] compared to its predecessor IN16 permits to carry out new types of experiments that have not been possible before as well as to significantly increase the accuracy of the results in all experiments. This presentation shall provide a few selected examples of experiments performed recently on IN16B addressing various topics [3-7],...
Franz Demmel
(ISIS facility)
02/09/2016, 16:20
Invited talks
IRIS and OSIRIS are the cold neutron spectroscopy work horses at the ISIS Facility. Both spectrometers are applying a near backscattering geometry and hence do not achieve the very high energy resolution of classical backscattering spectrometers. However, they offer a unique combination of high resolution and wide dynamic range, which opened avenues into new applications. These instruments...
Madhu Sudan Tyagi
(NIST Center for Neutron Research and Department of Materials Science and Engineering)
02/09/2016, 16:50
Invited talks
The high flux backscattering spectrometer (HFBS) at NIST has been operational since the late 1990s. Over the last decade and a half, a number of current scientific topics have seen significant advancement using the HFBS. In this talk I am going to focus mainly on three topics - I will start with polymer dynamics which will include segmental dynamics of homopolymers and influence on it by a...