Public Workshop on Assessment of Residual Stresses in Welds

Auditorium Room 0.001 (Institute of Advanced Studies - IAS)

Auditorium Room 0.001

Institute of Advanced Studies - IAS

Lichtenbergstraße 2 a 85748 Garching

The Technical University of Munich, in collaboration with the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, is organizing a


Workshop on the Assessment of Residual Stresses in Welds


on 23 November 2022, 09:00 h to 18:00 h



to mark the


20th Anniversary of the NeT European Network on Neutron Techniques Standardization for Structural Integrity.


The NeT network is a ~30 partner collaboration, based on voluntary in-kind contributions by the participants, that primarily works on residual stress assessments of welds relevant to nuclear engineering applications.


To this end, NeT relies on specimens designed and manufactured within the network. Specimens are typically small-scale mock-ups with a limited number of weld beads, in order to allow for easy exchange between measurement partners and to limit the computational demands for numerical analyses (see 20 Years NeT poster).           


The special characteristic of NeT are the extensive residual stress measurement round robin exercises, utilizing a variety of measurement techniques, and the equally extensive numerical simulation round robin exercises. Over the years, NeT has arguably produced some of the best characterized welding residual stress benchmarks in existence.


The aim of the Workshop is to provide an insight to the work within NeT, including the development of the specimens, the materials characterization work, residual stress measurement techniques, numerical assessment methods, the lessons learned and how these are utilized in nuclear engineering problems.


Attendance of the Workshop is free-of-charge; registration is required. Workshop attendees may be invited – space permitting – to follow also the subsequent regular progress meeting of the NeT European Network on 24 and 25 Nov.

The Workshop is foreseen to be with attendance in-person, provided it is permitted by the pandemic situation at the time. Remote attendance opportunities are in preparation as well. 

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