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28 August 2017 to 1 September 2017
Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ)
Europe/Berlin timezone

Development and characterization of a neutron tomography system for the research reactor

30 Aug 2017, 17:30
1h 30m
Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ)

Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ)

85748 Garching near Munich, Germany
Poster Poster


Abd el Bar Waleed (Atomic Energy Authority. Egypt)


Waleed Abd el Bar (1) , Imbaby I. Mahmoud (2) , Hussein A. Konber (3) 1) Atomic Energy Authority (AEA), ETRR-2 . P. O. Box 13975, Abu Zabal, Egypt 2) Atomic Energy Authority(AEA), Research Centre, Engineering Department, Inshas, Cairo 11511 Egypt 3) Al Azhar University, Electrical Engineering Department, Nasr City, Cairo 81624 Egypt. Email:Engwaleed84@yahoo.com. Neutron tomography is a very powerful technique for the non-destructive evaluation of heavy industrial components as well as for soft hydrogenous materials enclosed in heavy metals, which are usually difficult to image using X-rays. It has found a variety of applications in medicine, agriculture and other heavy industries. In our effort to use this technique for non-destructive testing, a process has begun to upgrade the neutron radiography facility from static-based film (Nitrocellulose film and Agfa Structurix D7photographic film) neutron radiography into a dynamic neutron radiography/tomography system by using scintillation screens (ZnS(Ag)-6LiF) and a CCD-camera. Several experiments have been performed on this experimental station to study the feasibility of neutron tomography for various applications.

Primary author

Abd el Bar Waleed (Atomic Energy Authority. Egypt)

Presentation materials