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18–19 Jun 2015
Garching (near Munich), Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone

NMI3: communication beyond and within the European consortium of neutron and muon facilities

19 Jun 2015, 09:35
Eridanus Auditorium

Eridanus Auditorium

Best Practice Parallel Session 5a


Ines Crespo


NMI3, the Integrated Infrastructure Initiative of Neutron scattering and Muon spectroscopy, is a consortium of the main European neutron and muon facilities, funded through the EU-FP7. A work-package is dedicated to dissemination, which is coordinated by the Information Manager, responsible for promoting the project’s activities and results. As most scientists do not contact us about their results, this job demands pro-activeness to look for interesting publications and travel to the facilities to visit the scientists involved to learn about their work within the project. This requires close collaboration with scientists based in different countries and with a network of press officers. The project’s current dissemination actions target mainly scientists and students with the goal to attract users to the techniques employed. Material produced includes press releases, a calendar of relevant events, videos, and presentations at PhD schools and events. Visits to nmi3.eu are monitored by analytics software that inspires us to find ways to increase traffic within the website. We reach out to people outside the project by posting our news on external websites and posting information on our website that could be attractive to a range of researchers. In this session I’d be very interested to hear about other EU projects’ dissemination activities, their targeted audiences, the channels they use, and how to emphasise the role of European collaboration.

Primary author

Ines Crespo

Presentation materials