KOMPASS is a polarized cold-neutron three axes spectrometer (TAS) currently undergoing its final construction phase at the MLZ in Garching. The instrument is designed to exclusively work with polarized neutrons and optimized for zero-field spherical neutron polarization analysis for measuring all elements of the polarization matrix. In contrast to other TASs, KOMPASS is equipped with a unique polarizing guide system. The static part of the guide system hosts a series of three polarizing V-cavities providing a highly polarized beam. The exchangeable straight and parabolic front-end sections of the guide system allow adapting the instrument resolution for any particular experiment and provide superior energy- and Q-resolution values when compared with the existing conventional guide and instrument concepts [1, 2]. In combination with the end position of cold neutron guide, the large doubly focusing HOPG monochromator and analyzer, the V-cavity for analysis of polarization of scattering beam, the KOMPASS TAS will be very well suited to study various types of weak magnetic order and excitations in variety of complex magnetic structures and indeed first successful experiments on chiral magnets or very small crystals could already be performed.
[1] M. Janoschek et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 613 (2010) 119.
[2] A. C. Komarek et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 647 (2011) 63.
The construction of KOMPASS is funded by the BMBF through the Verbundforschungsprojekt 05K19PK1.