Abstract Submission
The SR2A – International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation and Neutrons in Art and Archaeology has been established since 2005 as the scientific event bringing together scientists and specialists from all over the world working on cultural heritage items with tools provided by large scale facilities. The conference offers an invaluable occasion for sharing cutting edge knowledge, expertise, experiences and new technical advances in the field of heritage sciences at large scale facilities.
In order to submit an abstract for SR2A 2023, please click on "Call for Abstracts" on the left. In order to register for the conference, please visit the registration website.
The aim of the conference is threefold:
1. to review the technological progress of advanced synchrotron and neutron research for the multiple research purposes on ancient materials, artworks and conservation methods
2. to foster the synergies between physics, natural sciences, humanities and social sciences, involving in particular preventive conservation and conservation science
3. to provide a forum for museum scientists, restorers, archaeologists, art historians etc. for bringing forward challenging issues in heritage science with advanced methods at large scale facilities.
After meetings, among others, in Amsterdam (2010), New York (2012), Paris (2014), Chicago (2016), Portsmouth (2018), a virtual meeting hosted by the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) (2021), it is now to Munich to offer its appealing locations and institutions for this conference with world-class speakers.

The scientific topics cover among others: Archaeological advances, Paleontological and biomaterial advances, Ancient Materials, processes and production technologies, Technical advancements in synchrotron and neutron techniques, Multi-techniques and complementary methods for heritage sciences, Impact of analytical techniques on artefacts: non-destructive versus destructive analysis and the study of radiation-induced changes, Technical art history, Conservation science, Alteration processes and Monitoring of these processes.
Led by SR2A’s international committee, the 2023 edition will be organized in a cooperation with the Doerner Institut of the Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen and the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), a cooperation between the Technische Universität München (TUM) and two research centres of the Helmholtz Association, namely Forschungszentrum Jülich and Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon.