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May 13 – 16, 2018
New Peterhof Hotel
Europe/Moscow timezone


PNPI - TUM Cremlin Workshop - Conference Photo in front of the Conference venue New Peterhof Hotel

credit: Tatyana Potapova, PNPI


Dear Colleagues,

It's our pleasure to announce the Cremlin workshop

"Engineering for advanced neutron instrumentation  and sample environment"

jointly organized by the Petersburg Nuclear Institute  (PNPI), member of  the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute",  and the German Research Reactor FRM II operated by the Technical University of Munich (TUM).

The  workshop is going to be held from

Sunday, 13 May to Wednesday, 16 May 2018

at the New Peterhof Hotel, St Petersburs Avenue 34, Peterhof, Russia.

The Russian PIK Reactor will become operational and open to the neutron user community towards the end of this decade. In order to define PIK's specific position within the European neutron landscape and to meet the demands of both European and Russian researchers, the workshop is aiming at developing guidelines  for a general instrumentation concept for the PIK reactor and for the supporting structure of sample environment.

More specifically, the topics include mechanical construction, neutron components, electronic components, detectors, automatization,  instrument control and differents aspects of sample environment. In order to cover different methods and approaches speakers from the Institute Laue-Langevin (ILL), Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), ESS (European Spallation Source), Helmholtz  research centres of Geesthacht (HZG) and Berlin (HZB), the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, and from the organizing institutes PNPI and  FRM II/MLZ have been  invited.

The talks will be presented either in Russian or English language, translation will be provided. The two poster sessions offer a platform for discussion, since every talk will be summarized in a poster. Furthermore, participants who would like to share their ideas and developments  are warmly encouraged to hand in their posters.

The social events, the conference dinner on Monday evening and the visit of the Grand Peterhof Palace on Tuesday, offer another opportunity to deepen scientific and personal exchange.

We cordially invite scientists and engineers to share their experience and views in order to contribute to the success of this workshop.

The funding of this workshop via the EC grant no. 654166 "CREMLIN - Connecting Russian and European Measures for Large-scale Research Infrastructures" is gratefully acknowledged.

Yours sincerely,

Sergey Grigoriev                                                                          Winfried Petry



New Peterhof Hotel
New Peterhof Hotel, St. Petersburs Avenue 34, Peterhof, Russia

For scientific matters:

Prof. Sergey Grigoryev <grigor@lns.pnpi.spb.ru>

Prof. Winfried Petry <winfried.petry@frm2.tum.de>

For administrative matters.

Anastacia Zaitseva <zaytseva@lns.pnpi.spb.ru>

Elisabeth Jörg-Müller <elisabeth.joerg-mueller@frm2.tum.de>