We developed linear neutron detectors based on ZnS/LiF scintillators and solid-state photomultipliers (SiPM) for neutron intruments. The developed detectors use for light readout a lightguide with diffuse reflection. The light readout by this method is more effective than the wavelenght shifting fibers - up to 80 photoelectrons. These detectors are successfully tested on time-of-flight...
In the framework of the project for “Development of Experimental Facilities for Condensed Matter Investigations with Beams of the IBR-2 Facility» а wide-aperture backscattering detector for the HRFD diffractometer is being developed in FLNP.
Creation and operation of the new detector will result in a significant increase in the recorded data flow, which, in turn, requires further development...
The presentation will de devoted to the software package Sonix+, which has been developed as a unified control software for neutron instruments. It has been installed at almoust all instruments of the IBR-2 reactor, as well at some instruments at other centers of the Russian Federation (totally about 20 installations). The modular organization of the software and use of the Python language for...
At present, many spectrometers of the IBR-2M reactor have carried out a comprehensive modernization of the control systems and management of experimental facilities.This paper presents the main approaches to the construction of control systems at the IBR-2M.
To connect the spectrometer hardware to PC the USB-RS485/232 interface is used.
Control system of executive mechanisms is based on...
On the basis of developments of top loading cryostats ([1], [2], [3]) a horizontal loading cryostat for cryomagnetic research at the diffractometer DN-12 of IBR-2 [4] had been developed. In this regard, it is necessary to study the value of the heat flow associated with the heat exchange gas in the horizontal shaft. For this purpose an express GM cryostat has been performed. This cryostat has...