Analysis of new advanced materials and their processing properties often requires investigation under high temperatures and forces. Current equipment for fast and controlled cooling/quenching experiments does almost not exist, but is desirable to mimic industrial material processing, because the heating and cooling rates significantly influence the resulting microstructure and/or the formation...
A number of high pressure clamp cells (HPCC) was made magnetic and nonmagnetic for
diffraction, inelastic and SANS at RT and LT down to 100mk and H up to 10Tesla. For HPCC from TiZr alloy for powder diffraction the maximum pressure rise is 15 kbar. The 2-layer nonmagnetic HPCC up to 40kbar for studing single crystal by polarized neutrons were used. The maximum pressure of 2-layer and 3-layer...
The structure-dynamics-function relationship in proteins is still a field of great scientific interest. Photoactive proteins form a specific class, whose function can be activated by illumination. Depending on application, samples can be activated by permanent illumination or by light pulses in time-resolved experiments. Subsequently, modulated structure and dynamics can be observed e.g. by...
Phenomena and effects on interfaces and in individual atomic layers play a key role in the modern material science, especially in the field of nanotechnologies (nanoelectronics, photonics, plasmonics, etc). The pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique is a versatile tool with a capability of using a wide variety of materials to produce such structures. Neutron radiation offers a unique...