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20–23 Mar 2023
Campus Garching
Europe/Berlin timezone

The direct geometry cold chopper spectrometer TOFTOF

20 Mar 2023, 16:00
Yards 4 - 6 (Fakultät für Maschinenwesen)

Yards 4 - 6

Fakultät für Maschinenwesen

Board: MO-259
Poster Neutron Instrumentation, Optics, Sample Environment, Detectors, and Software Poster Session MONDAY


Marcell Wolf (TUM)


TOFTOF is a direct geometry disc-chopper time-of-flight spectrometer. A cascade of seven fast rotating disc choppers is used to prepare a monochromatic pulsed beam which is focussed onto the sample by a converging super-mirror section. The scattered neutrons are detected by 1000 $_3$He detector tubes with a time resolution up to 50 ns. The detectors are mounted at a distance of 4 m and cover 12 m$^2$ (or 0.75 sr). The high rotation speed of the chopper system together with a high neutron flux in the wavelength range of 1.4 -14 Å allows free tuning of the energy resolution between 3 meV and 2 μeV.
The fast neutron background is suppressed by the s-shaped primary neutron guide. This enables the investigation of weak signals. The existing linearly tapered neutron guide yields a beam spot size of 23x47 mm$^2$. As alternative option a focussing guide can be used. This leads to an intensity gain up to a factor of 3 (wavelength dependent) on a sample area of 10 x 10 mm$^2$.
TOFTOF represents a versatile instrument combining high energy resolution, high neutron flux (also at short wavelengths), and an excellent signal-to-background ratio. It is perfectly suited for inelastic and quasielastic neutron scattering for a broad range of scientific topics.

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