The cold neutron three-axis spectrometer IN12 is operated by the Juelich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) in collaboration with the CEA-Grenoble as a CRG-B instrument at the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble, France.
With an upgrade accomplished in 2012 the instrument has been relocated to an end position of a new guide and the whole primary spectrometer has been upgraded.
With a virtual source concept and a new double focussing PG monochromator IN12 has gained a factor of 10 in flux at the sample position with a peak flux of about 10$^8$ n/sec/cm$^2$ around k$_i$ = 2 Å$^{-1}$. An extended wavelength range far into the warmish region (max. k$_i$ $\approx$ 5.1 Å$^{-1}$) is now available.
A velocity selector in the guide ensures a clean beam, and a vertical guide changing system with a transmission polarizing cavity guarantees an easy-to-use polarization set-up.
IN12 is one of the rare spectrometers that can use polarisation analysis in combination with high magnetic fields.
The multi-analyser multi-detector option IN12-UFO is interchangeable with the standard secondary spectrometer and allows to program simultaneous scans in Q-$\omega$ space.
We plan the installation of a second monochromator using perfectly bent Si(111) crystals. For lowest accessible wavevector range and energy transfer, it will provide a cleaner signal-to-noise ratio, clean tails of the elastic line and better energy resolution.
Its sharper focussing is advantageous when using high field magnets.