ORSO is a group of reflectometry scientists from across the globe that are interested in im-proving neutron and X-ray reflectometry through collaboration. The aims and focus of our working groups are arranged as follows:
• The education and outreach working group aims to develop understanding of reflec-tivity techniques and disseminate information about reflectivity analysis.
• The File formats working group has recently developed specifications for a standard file format for use across X-ray and neutron reflectivity. This is an important step to-wards interoperability across facilities. The architecture of this .ort format will be pre-sented together with the python libraries (orsopy) to read and write it.
• The analysis working group is focused on cross-facility collaboration on standardized data analysis “best practices” and shared resources to make it easier to build and use reflectometry analysis software
• The reproducibility working group aims to improve measurement reproducibility through the creation of informative documentation regarding experimental set-up and standardisation of instrumentation, generate general guidelines on data reduc-tion, to ensure accurate and reproducible data and engage others in reproducible analysis, including help documentation and guides.
ORSO is open to everyone, meaning its working groups are open to all, to join a working group please just contact one to the authors or go to our web page www.reflectometry.org. Together we can do better science.