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Mar 20 – 23, 2023
Campus Garching
Europe/Berlin timezone

Effect of solvent on the ps dynamics in PNIPAM microgel

Mar 21, 2023, 4:00 PM
Yards 4 - 6 (Fakultät für Maschinenwesen)

Yards 4 - 6

Fakultät für Maschinenwesen

Board: TU-106
Poster Functional Materials Poster session TUESDAY


Fanni Juranyi (Paul Scherrer Institute)


Microgels are stimuli responsive polymers with possible applications e.g. for drug delivery. A key feature of them is the sudden shrinkage, induced by temperature or other external parameters, called Volume Phase Transition (VPT). The VPT is intrinsically connected to the water-polymer, or more generally to the solvent-polymer interaction. PNIPAM in ethanol, e.g. remains swollen also at higher temperatures. We used Quasielastic Neutron Scattering (QENS) at the Time-of-Flight Spectrometer FOCUS at PSI to study the differences in atomic level water-polymer and alcohol-polymer interactions through their dynamics. In order to avoid the presence of bulk-like solvents, but preserve the network structure, re-hydrated freeze-dried powders were used. Ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations delivered inputs for choice of model, fit parameter restrictions and interpretation.

Primary authors

Mr Mingguo Zhang (PSI) Fanni Juranyi (Paul Scherrer Institute)


Boyang Zhou Urs Gasser (Paul Scherrer Institut) Dr Matthias Krack (PSI)

Presentation materials

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