European Neutron Sources: Status and Upgrades
- Martin Müller (Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH)
Endurance encompasses more than 30 new or upgraded instrument and infrastructure projects, rolled out over 8 years between 2016 and 2023 and with a financial envelope of nearly 60 M€. Many new or upgraded instruments have already been deployed and in user-operation including: the fission-fragment gamma ray spectrometer, FIPPS; the upgraded cold-neutron TOF spectrometer IN5; new thermal TOF...
ISIS is continually updating and developing its suite of neutron and muon instrumentation in order to respond to the needs of the science community and to ensure ISIS remains a world-leading facility. Currently ISIS is embarking on a large programme called ‘Endeavour’ which aims to deliver 9 major instrumentation projects over a ten year time scale to meet current and future challenges in...
The European Spallation Source (ESS) is Europe's answer in the continuous strive for the production of neutron beams of ever higher brilliance. The scientific instruments exploiting these beams are an indispensable tool for studying matter and material properties, which will unlock new discoveries from the very fundamental to the highly applicable. The concept underlying the ESS combines a...
The research neutron source Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II) is a central scientific institute of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) located at the Research Campus in Garching. The FRM II came into user operation in April 29, 2005 and provides neutrons for science, industry and medicine in up to four cycles of 60 days a year. The Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), a cooperation TUM and...