The international Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR,
www.fair-center.eu) ist currently under construction at the site of
the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt,
Germany. After its completion in 2024/2025 FAIR will provide
heavy-ion beams of highest intensities to a diverse set of research
fields such as hadron physics, nuclear astrophysics, atomic
physics, plasma physics, materials science or radiation biology, to
name a few. Various scientific collaborations have gathered under
the four research pillars of FAIR, i.e., APPA, CBM, NUSTAR and
PANDA. In my talk, I will focus on APPA (Atomic and Plasma Physics
and Applications) which represents more than 600 scientists from
more than 30 countries. Under the umbrella of APPA, the
international collaborations SPARC (atomic physics), HED@FAIR
(plasma physics) and BIOMAT (biophysics and materials science)
pursue a broad interdisciplinary research program [Nucl. Instrum.
Methods B 365 (2015) 680] which addresses all FAIR relevant aspects
of the electromagnetic interaction and which employs nearly the
entire research infrastructure of FAIR, in particular, the full
ion-energy range - from rest up to several GeV - provided by the
FAIR accelerators. Large parts of this research program are driven
by BMBF-funded German university groups (see
appa-rd.fair-center.eu) who bring in their expertise for
developing, setting up and exploiting cutting-edge instrumentation
at FAIR.