We are looking forward to receiving your abstract!
1500 characters incl. blanks and without any graphics - this is what our submission page asks for. In order to categorise your submission the right way, please choose one of the tracks below when submitting your abstract.
As you can see, we will have ten parallel sessions (P1-10) and six micro symposia are planned (MS1-6). Please note that everybody is invited to hand in an abstract for the parallel sessions but for the micro symposia, submitters will be invited by the symposium's organisers.
P1 Instrumentation and methods
P1Parallel session - open for all!
P2 Soft matter
P2Parallel session - open for all!
P3 Structure and dynamics in life sciences
P3Parallel session - open for all!
P4 Magnetism and quantum phenomena
P4Parallel session - open for all!
P5 Thin films, 2D materials and surfaces
P5Parallel session - open for all!
P6 Nanomaterials and nanostructures
P6Parallel session - open for all!
P7 Wide band gap semiconductors
P7Parallel session - open for all!
P8 Functional materials and materials science
P8Parallel session - open for all!
P9 Catalysis
P9Parallel session - open for all!
P10 Others
P10Parallel session - open for all!
Keynote/ Plenary/ Public lecture
KPlease sumbit only after invitation!
MS1 In-situ and in-operando studies with special focus on energy materials and catalysis
MS1Micro syposium organised by Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt and Anatoliy Senyshyn. Please submit only after invitation!
MS2 Structural biology: Instrumentation and methods, current trends and topics
MS2Micro syposium organised by Manfred Weiss and Herrman Schindelin. Please submit only after invitation!
MS3 Novel developments in time resolved techniques
MS3Micro syposium organised by Simone Techert. Please sumbit only after invitation!
MS4 Innovation and industry
MS4Micro syposium organised by Peter Albers and Jürgen Fassbender. Please submit only after invitation!
MS5 Digital agenda
MS5Micro syposium organised by Christian Gutt and Klaudia Hradil. Please submit only after invitation!
MS6 Next generation large scale facilities
MS6Micro syposium organised by Thomas Gutberlet. Please submit only after invitation!