SAPHiR, the Six Anvil Press for High Pressure Radiography and Diffraction is a new instrument at the FRM II dedicated to neutron science at extreme pressure and temperature conditions. The three-axis multianvil press has a combined pressing force of 2400 tons (24 MN) and can perform experiments at up to 15 GPa in samples with volumes of 10-30 mm3. Applications include phase transformations at high P and T, reaction kinetics, crystallography of hydrogen bearing high pressure phases, high resolution radiography, and rheological measurements for solid state physics, chemistry, material and geoscience. SAPHiR will use a thermal neutron beam that is focussed on the sample position by an elliptic neutron guide. The detector system consists of wave-length-shifting-fibre detectors in the backscatter regime and helium-3 detector banks at 90° from the incident beam and in the forward scatter regime. The WLSF detectors combine a superior position resolution with a good detector efficiency > 50 %, which allows measurements with a delta d/d resolution in the 10-3 range. The 3He detectors are composed of 660 individual PSD tubes that combine a high detection efficiency with a low gamma sensitivity. In combination the detector system can measure d-values of ~0.6 – 15 Å. User access will commence once the infrastructure in the eastern neutron guide hall is completed.