The training and research reactor AKR-2 is a thermal, homogeneous, solid material moderated zero power reactor with maximum permanent power of 2 Watt. AKR-2 was completely refurbished in 2005 and is actually the most advanced zero power training reactor in Germany. The facility is equipped with a state-of-the-art digital I&C control system Teleperm XS (see also http://tu-dresden.de/mw/akr). The main purpose of AKR-2 and its design basis was and is the education of students in nuclear and reactor physics, in nuclear engineering as well as to teach fundamental knowledge in radiation protec-tion. Due to the physical characteristics of AKR-2, research is limited to projects where low neutron fluxes are desirable and variable operational conditions as well as low costs are requested. The access to AKR-2 is uncomplicated and there is no proposal reviewing system. While at high flux facilities high level and well recognized research is carried out, AKR-2 is ideal for idea, test and quick trial ex-periments. There are a couple of experimental channels enabling flexible access to the neutron field. In the presentation, we will give a detailed description of the AKR-2’s design and its physical proper-ties. Some selected results of neutron imaging with thermal neutrons which was performed for the first time at AKR-2 will be shown. Furthermore, we would like to discuss the question how the AKR-2 can contribute in the education of scientists dealing with neutron scattering methods in future?