European XFEL is the most recent large scale research infra structure in Europe. The facility was taken into user operation in September last year and more than 500 users have already participated in week long experiments. The facility is a hard X-ray free electron laser and provides a very powerful X-ray beam for research. The facility serves the European user community by providing the...
As our Earth moves through space, it traps particles originating from
within our Solar System and from the surrounding interstellar medium.
Each year, about 30.000 tons of interplanetary dust accumulate on Earth. A
large fraction can be found as micrometeorites on the Earth's surface -
submillimetre-sized particles liberated from larger bodies such as
asteroids and comets. Additionally,...
Solid materials play a crucial role for many energy-related applications. In situ diffraction is an important method for investigating their synthesis as well as their function and neutrons are an ideal probe. Many energy-related materials contain light elements such as H, Li, N, O, which can often be better located in crystal structures by neutrons as compared to X-rays. Control over...
TheHeinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum in Garching is a major facility for science with neutron scattering and for related experiments. As an organisation that has many user experiments as a core part of the success, the input from the community is important. The management of the MLZ have recently established a User Committee to provide better communication: the committee has the mission to...